
Guest Speaker with Life180 Church

Life 180 Church 800 E Broadway Ave, Gladewater, Texas

Join Amy Friday, October 7, 7pm for a night of ministry and healing. Invite the sick. Doors open one hour before meeting. See you there! Life180 Church (Lee building- back)


Guest Speaker with Midway Family Worship Center

Midway Family Worship Center 1198 West Voca Rd, Coleman, Oklahoma

Join Amy Friday October 14, 7pm for HomeComing Camp Meeting with Midway Family Worship Center. Invite those who need a miracle healing. All people are welcome.


Guest Speaker with the Bold and Beautiful Conference

Samværket Lykkegårdsvej 100, Kolding, Denmark

Join Amy November 4,5,6 for the Bold and Beautiful Women's Conference in Kolding Denmark. Amy will be speaking Saturday November 5, 7pm and Sunday Morning November 6, 10:30 am. For […]

Guest Speaker with Kirkeibyen Kolding

Kirkeibygen Kolding Lykkegårdsvej 100, Kolding, Denmark

Join Amy Sunday morning 10:30 together with Kirkeibygen Kolding. Invite those whose who need a miracle from Jesus.


Guest Speaker with Family I netvaerk

Aarhus City Kirken Viborgvej 173, Aarhus, Denmark

Join Amy Wednesday November 9th, 4:00pm for a healing meeting. Invite those who need a miracle healing. All people are welcome.


Guest Speaker Powerful Hangouts

Powerful Hangouts Trigevej 9,, Hinnerup, Denmark

Join Amy Saturday evening 5:30pm for powerful hangouts in Hinnerup (near Aarhus). Invite those who need a miracle from the Lord. Come with expectation to receive!


Guest Speaker with Hadsund International Church

Hadsund Kulturcenter Kirkegade 2, Hadsund, Denmark

Join Amy Sunday November 13, 10:30 for Sunday Service. Invite those who need a miracle healing. All people are welcome.


Guest Speaker Aglow Vejle Women’s group

Aglow Vejle Women's group Vejle

Join Amy Tuesday November 15, 7pm together with Aglow Vejle woman's group. Invite those who need a miracle healing.

Guest Speaker with Ørum Fellowship

Sundgaards Hus Østergade 34, Ørum, Denmark

Join Amy November Monday 21, 7pm for a gospel meeting. Invite those who need a miracle healing. All people are welcome.


Miracle Healing Meeting Caney Oklahoma

Caney Oklahoma 206 W. Main street, Caney, OK, United States

Jesus has Christmas gifts to pass out! Those in the surrounding area of Caney Oklahoma, Join us this Sunday evening 7:30 pm. Bring those who need a miracle healing.


Guest Speaker Women Retreat Caney

The Gathering place Foot of Main street, Caney, OK, United States

Join Amy Friday and Saturday for the women weekend retreat. It's time for women to embrace what it means to be truly courageous in 2023. The Women's Retreat retreat is […]
